Wednesday, July 4, 2012

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Some meat is a pity that I did not raise the bar dogs. I commanded them clean, to clean up a house, I live in this temple down.
A few days later, the Institute of the phone that there are new advances require me to see, so I took Miyamoto Solid Organs and Kobayashi feel to the plant as a workshop. Since the Aso Chiyoda death, I will bring the two men as my bodyguard, after all, the last car accident I vividly remember. In this country,Sacramento Kings Jerseys, the insidious nature of the people must be ever vigilant.
Plant from the outside looks very old, not so reluctant to decoration, but I do not want too much swagger. Plant which is very clean, filled with a pungent odor, workers are busy at work. Japanese working together very hard, this is a strong point, but they began to be bad to the same hard, so I do not like the Japanese.
Oshima Masao is the person in charge of the Institute, is a seventy-year-old man is machine, and workers speaking. I did not disturb him, silently walked beside him up listening to. The old man is to explain to workers the need for processing a part, because the workers have some questions for a part of the drawings.
Finally, the workers understand the drawings, the beginning and began to live. Oshima Masao turned around and saw me standing behind him, and immediately became very excited: I followed him to a separate workshop, there are more than a dozen engineers are surrounded by a great device to work with. The appearance of this device is like a table tennis table above can scroll through the work surface, below the main body of the workbench, a lot of interfaces around the workbench. This is they developed robot platform.
Oshima Masao said: this point but added there is no problem. See I have some doubts, he went on to say: a cylinder-like things are out of the closet.
Him to get that thing up and said: The study was canceled. I think the design idea of ​​this robot is very creative, so would like to ask you can not sponsor him to complete this study?
I can not help but laugh, the old man when I? Philanthropist, what? Actually want me to sponsor research things of no use for me. Joke, even if it is my money not only can not spend your Japanese people. I waved, and was about to refuse, and suddenly an idea into my brain,Bulls Jerseys, my hand could not help but stop in the air.
After a child, I said:

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